Sci_arc has a chihuahua, our own cafe, python, and 2, grease truck, 4 house dj's, 1964 chevy impalas, grind rails, a halfbuilt halfpipe, trance parties in parking lot, weird indie bands inside, a vending machine that jams, a soccer field with a notrespass sign, bums with shopping carts, little tokyo pop princesses, and a cross dresser at the本局地址: 臺北市濟南路1段2之2號3~5樓(中央聯合辦公大樓北棟) 總機電話:(02) 服務時間:申請護照、簽證及文件證明櫃檯受理時間為週一至週五 上午08:30 — 下午17:00 (中午不休Evideence of support from the relevant government agency(ARC)) 导师的support letter (2 Evidence of support from xxx) 学校的support letter (3 Evidence of support from the University xxx) Coe (4 Confirmation of enrollment certificate) ARC奖学金证明(5 ARC scholarship certificate) 护照 (6 Passport) 学生签证实用性 Day Date 1 Itinerary Stay at Transport 2Aug12

美國簽證 B 1 B 2 從被check到成功獲簽 1個月 Getit01